The Record Keeper for all Bellringers
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Please be advised that WinRK for bellringers is not connected in any way with a rather dubious file compression utility also called WinRK.  I am aware that some anti-virus programmes wrongly associate the two, and block/prevent the installation/running of WinRK for bellringers.  I also notice that the compression utility has hi-jacked our logo!
Please be assured that WinRK for bellringers is perfectly safe and has been extensively checked for viruses etc. You can confidently ignore security warnings that Microsoft or your browser may put up.  I apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause, but hope you understand that it is entirely out of my control.
Stephen Cheek - author
WinRK is a  database application, to assist in organising all your ringing  performances in such a way that you can readily analyse and report on  all the things that matter to you.  Whether it is a quarter peal, full  peal, tower or handbells, WinRK can effectively record it for you.  Furthermore, you can also import records from PealBase to get going straight away.

Please have a browse  through the website to discover more about this invaluable application.   If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help and advise you.
Copyright WinRK 2024
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